How to get a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)An LEI can be obtained from a GLEIF LOU, Registration Agent or your investment service manager. Anybody can get an LEI for a legal entity assuming they have the required information to complete the LEI registration form. In order to get an LEI, first complete the LEI application form.
Download PDF step-by-step guide How to Register a New LEI:
A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI number) can be obtained from a Local Operating Unit (LOU) or an Registration Agent. Legal entities must register their LEI through a service provider, such as an LOU, Registration Agent, or other LEI service provider. The registration form must be completed to obtain an LEI.
Click here or on the image to download your PDF guide which explains how to obtain an LEI for any company or legal entity. Please feel free to share and distribute this document internally within your organisation or on social media. If you have any questions please contact us. [email protected] |